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Newsletter - Volcano Community News



The Volcano Community News is published monthly by Cooper Center Counciland mailed for free to post office boxholders in the 96785 (Volcano) and 96718 (Hawaii National Park) zipcodes. It is also available here on this website and can be downloaded. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you every month please send a check or money order for $12.00 per year made out to Cooper Center Council and mail to:


Volcano Community News-Subscriptions

PO Box 1000

Volcano, HI 96785

News & Ads Submissions

All e-mail submissions for ads, articles and Unclassifieds should go to Linda Ugalde at

Calls to her phone #936-9705 between 8am-5pm only; it’s treated as a business phone. Be sure to include your name! Please include a headline.


For scheduling at Cooper Center, call Barbara Toles at 769-3903 ONLY between 8 am to 12 pm, M-F

Volcano Community News is not responsible for errors in submitted articles. The views expressed in the submissions are those of the authors. ALL submissions must be by digital copy, with name and contact information provided.



Pre-Paid rectangular 1½” high x 2½” wide press ready ads cost $30 per issue or $162 for 6 months, and 2½” square ads cost $45 per issue, or $243 for 6 months. Back page ads are $55. and $75. with a 10% discount for 6 months. If ads are stopped & restarted, ad graphics must be resent. Ads are placed as submitted, we cannot make any changes, or “fix” the appearance of the ads. Must be submitted in exact size as specified above. If you need help to prepared or fix the minimum resolution of 300 dpi contact a graphic artist of your choosing. Submit as a PDF file. Volcano Voice (pg. 6 & 7) is produced with full editorial license by Volcano Community Association not Cooper Center Council.


Checks for advertising should be made payable to Cooper Center and addressed to:


Cooper Center Council

Volcano Community News

P.O. Box 1000

Volcano, HI 96785-1000


Volcano Community News is printed locally on paper from
responsible sources and certified by the Rainforest Alliance

which is awarded to farms, forests, and businesses that meet
rigorous environmental and social standards.

rainforest alliance.jpg

© 2024 by The Cooper Center

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