The Cooper Center
19-4030 Wright Road, Volcano, Hawaii 96785-1000

Join - Cooper Center
Our center is the hub of the Volcano Community and used by hundreds of people weekly. There is an ever-growing demand for time slots. It is important that all using the facility be made aware of its value and to respect both the physical facility and the community that surrounds it. The smooth functioning of Cooper Center is a cooperative process.
This form is an outline of the Policies and Procedures that you need to be aware of. Our experience has shown the following guidelines to provide the most clarity for both the individual and the council. The Cooper Center Council is made up of those using the center on a regular basis and the volunteer officers.
1. Meetings:
In order to have the privilege of regular use of the Cooper Center you must first be approved at a Cooper Center Council meeting. If accepted, you are then agreeing to become a member of the Cooper Center Council, attend all meetings yourself or send a representative.
2. Conduct: All members of Council will maintain a professional attitude and manner of presentation in dealing with other members, volunteers at the Center, as well as aiding in the maintenance of a professional atmosphere in interactions between yourselves, your students or members and the staff and general public.
3. Time Slot Agreement:
When you are granted a time slot for Cooper Center use, you are guaranteed that slot for at least one year, provided all policies and procedures are followed. Because this is a shared facility, use is subject to review, based on changing circumstances.
4. Schedule Changes:
If you are cancelling a class or event, it is your responsibility to inform the scheduler in
writing, via email or by phone as soon as possible so others may have the option of using the facility.
Stay in your time slot, just because no one may be listed on a printed calendar, does not mean an event hasn’t been scheduled. If you are schooled to leave at 6:30, leave at 6:30 after you lock up.
You may be asked to give up your slot for a special event at Cooper Center, and someone will notify you by email of such changes. Government sponsored events take precedent.
CCC Membership Fees and Volunteer Hours (revision May 2019)
5. Annual Fees:
The following fees have been approved and are to be paid in February of each year to Cooper Center Council. In addition:
ALL groups must volunteer for CC at least 4 hours a month, or pay CCC $40.00 a month, or cancel their membership. Groups must volunteer 2 hours or pay $20.00 per Special Cooper Center event. The special events are 1) Spring Fling, (2) Fiesta in the Forest, (3) 4th of July and (4) Oktoberfest.” This is in addition to the 4 hours or $40.00 monthly as members of Council.
Organizations and instructors using facilities 1 – 3 times a year pay $15
Organizations and instructors using facilities 4 – 6 times a year pay $40
Organizations and instructors using facilities 7 or more times a year pay $75
Check are due and payable the night of the meeting, made out to CCC and given to David Goodman.
Special circumstances regarding reduction or waiving of fees may be brought before the council officers.
6. For-Profit User Fee:
In addition to the annual use fee, individuals and organizations that charge for their event or class must also pay the following fees.
$7/hr $25/ 8 AM – noon $25/noon – 4PM or Max $50
These fees are paid to Cooper Center Council quarterly. Failure to comply can result in an
immediate review of your use privilege by Cooper Center officers.
7. Kokua the Space: Members are expected to leave the center clean (vacuum after use) and ready for the next group. This includes checking all doors, bathrooms, and closing windows even though you may not have used or opened them, unplugging all electric heaters, turning off fan and fire in fireplace, especially if you're last in for the day. We will start assessing fees for violations...amounts to be determined. In signing this form, you are agreeing to abide by these Policies & Procedures.
8. Social Media:
Cooper Center Council recognizes the role social media plays in modern communication. As such, we respect the right of member groups to use social networks for self-publishing and self-expression while adhering to our policies and procedures. As a Cooper Center Council Member, your commentary is not only a direct reflection of you personally but also of Cooper Center. Commentary that is considered defamatory, obscene, proprietary or libelous by any offended party could subject you to personal liability and damage Cooper Center’s reputation and community relations. Once it’s on the Internet, it’s there forever.
Engaging with and sharing content posted by Cooper Center groups is encouraged and appreciated.
Engaging personally with Cooper Center Council members (donors, volunteers, board members, sponsors, vendors, etc.) is encouraged and appreciated.
Have a problem at Cooper Center? Work it out in person. Airing personal grievances on social media is not accepted.
Harassing, threatening, discriminating against or disparaging any individuals through social media will not be tolerated.
Items regarding the Cooper Center, its member groups, volunteers, or clients should be reviewed by the Executive Board of the Cooper Center Council before being posted on social media.
Sharing photographs of other Cooper Center groups, volunteers, clients, vendors, suppliers without their permission through social media is prohibited.
You are to contact management immediately if contacted by the media or press about any post that relates to Cooper Center functions or business.
Violations of any of the guidelines listed in this policy will be cause for the Executive Council to review the relationship of the offending group with Cooper Center and may cause termination of the subject group’s membership in the organization. If you become aware of any violations of this policy you should report the violation to an Officer of the Cooper Center Council.

Folding Newsletters is one way to put in your monthly volunteer hours.